Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Riches and Poverty of Africa



Following are my thoughts for resolving poverty in Africa, taken from a letter I wrote ten years ago. However, as I read over this now, I fear that it is very inadequate. Can you suggest other aspects of the solution – how to ameliorate the harsh conditions of poverty? Elimination of poverty is impossible. Jesus said, “The poor you will have with you always.” Look at the poor in America? The question is, what steps should be taken to reduce the harsh conditions of poverty?

“If what we have observed above is true, then it takes little wisdom to see how the discipling of the nations comes into play. Christians have met together in Nigeria to deal with this problem of corruption in official circles. If corruption is such a burden in society, then the Christians must share their responsibility because it is the Christians in their great numbers who participate in what is going on, even if it is only by turning a blind eye to what takes place. The deep problems of society cannot be cured by the United Nations, the government or non-governmental agencies.”

“Only Christ has the answer. But it is not a cheap, superficial answer of a veneer of Christianity. The answer is becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ through living faith and faithful obedience and developing strong Christian homes where Christian virtues are instilled within the children.”

“Through much sacrifice Christian missions brought education to Africa. In the early days the common person recognized that those who attended the mission schools advanced economically. Mission schools were a living testimony to others. When one is delivered from the deep seated cultural restraints, and uses his few resources wisely instead of squandering them in sinful habits, and begins to work hard, and exercises his God given responsibility by promoting honesty and integrity in official circles - life will change. Africa will grow and prosper and become a vibrant testimony to others.”

“The vibrancy and enthusiasm of many Christians in Africa is a witness and testimony to western Christians who are more reserved and shy about their faith – and perhaps, more nominal or lukewarm in their faith. The Church in Africa is alive and growing but it not only needs to grow in width through evangelism but also in depth through biblical teaching in church and in the home. What the Church in any country needs is to teach the masses of “Christians” to go deeper in their faith with practical teaching based on the biblical exposition of the Word of God so that Christians can make a real difference in this richly endowed and diversified continent. Biblical theology must be relevantly applied to the practical lives of the people. For all this to take place, the Christian home is crucial. It is central to the future hope.”

“A fine Christian couple lived in the rural area of Ukambani some years back. Because of the man’s testimony and learned skills, the Africa Inland Church requested him to assist them in Nairobi. He consented with one condition; he wanted his whole family to live with him in Nairobi. I did not know him at the time nor did I see how he reared his children, but I do know his children. They are a marvelous testimony of God’s grace that flourishes when a Christian couple is committed to rearing their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Christopher Mwal’wa has served with sterling reputation as leader in Word of Life, Kenya. Matthews Mwal’wa is the pastor of A.I.C. in Nairobi and has a vibrant, effective ministry. Penninah, married to Dr. Titus Kivunzi, has exemplified the life and fruit of a godly woman who supports and helps her husband in ministry. I have met one or two other siblings whose names I have now forgotten, but they too are vibrant examples of Africa’s future in Christ.”

“As stalwart Christian men and women grow, they must become the salt and light in society. As Christians stand up and speak out and demand integrity and honesty and charity in society and among their political leaders – as Christians become part of the solution to a new Africa instead of being part of the problem – Africa will overcome her problems in the generations to come.”

“Africa or America or any other continent can be transformed through new birth in Christ, biblical exposition and teaching of the Word of God from the pulpit and in the home, growth in Christian virtues and shunning of sinful vices, attainment of a sound education, diligent work and humility in seeking to please God in all things – over several generations, this will transform Africa and the world.”

Tragically, the Christian virtues and values that have made the West strong in the past are fast disappearing. Christian Homes are becoming a distinct minority in the sea of the pagan wasteland that is America today. America today is in need of missionaries from Africa and elsewhere because we have forsaken our rich Christian heritage.

I must add Part Five because the Bible has a lot to say about riches and poverty.

See Part Five.

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